Blogging 101

Posted by Admin   |   Filed under blogging

Blogging 101 is mostly about the blogging vocabulary. To understand blogs, you need to know the terms blog, platform, domain, and web host. Once you have mastered these key elements of blogging, you can enter any conversation about blogging with confidence. After you know what exactly a blog is, you will be on your way to passing the final exam of blogging 101.

Blog is short for weblog, which simply means a series of online posts presented in reverse chronological order. That's all! Most blogs are text, but there are also photo blogs and video blogs. The rest of blogging 101 has to do with the technical side of things. If you are setting up a blog, you will need a platform, a web host, and a domain. A blogging platform is a computer software program that allows you to write posts and to update your blog. Your platform is also what you use to design the look of your blog, from color scheme to font size.

The web host is sort of like the virtual file cabinet where your blog is stored. Your computer communicates with the host when you upload or edit a post. The domain is the online address of your blog, and usually ends in ‘dot com'. To buy your own domain is optional, you can start with subdomain in a free webhosing. Now that you know what a blog is, what a platform is, and what domains and hosts are, congratulate yourself! You have passed blogging 101.

Choosing The Right Free Blogging Tools

There are many free blogging tools on the market, but loading up your blog with all of the free accessories that you can find isn't necessarily a good idea. While it may be tempting to add a visitor counter, a flashy background, an exciting new font, and a cluster of quirky animated gifs to your blog, this kind of plan can easily backfire. The key to getting the most from free blog tools is being selective.

It is a great idea to learn about all of the kinds of free blogging tools that are available so that you can make an informed decision about what to add to your blog, but try to remember that just because you can have something doesn't mean that you need it. Practice restraint and only choose the options that you think will really be useful. If you can find out how many visitors are reading your blog by checking your traffic statistics, a visitor counter is likely to add unnecessary clutter to your page. If your blog is text-based, a flashy background can be more of a distraction than an benefit. Be realistic about assessing what kinds of blog accessories will help you realize your vision and improve your site. Remember that even a blog tool that doesn't cost you any cash may not be an asset in the long run.

Blogging Profits Unleashed (MRR)

How To Set Up and Run a Successful Blog For Profit
Blogging Profits Unleashed

In this ebook you will find everything you need to know about setting up and running a successful and profitable blog.

Here are just some of the things you'll discover inside this 51-page no-fluff report:

  • How to set up a brand new blog, from start-to-finish - even if you've never done it before
  • Step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow
  • The essential tweaks you MUST do to your blog
  • How to write content for your blog that will keep people coming back for more
  • How to monetize your blog quickly and easily
  • How to increase the value of your blog, should you wish to 'flip' it for cash
  • And much, much more!

Click the link below to download the ebook (MRR) for FREE, squeeze and sales pages, and ecovers are included (3.22 MB).

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